
Agility offers a fun, fast paced, team sport for you and your dog. You will watch in amazement as your energetic canine learns how to navigate an obstacle course by jumping hurdles, climbing walls, zig zagging through weave poles, and darting through tunnels. What’s even more amazing is how YOU learn to navigate the same course with them.

For most classes, new students can now join every month. Each day and time agility is offered will be dedicated to that level indicated on the schedule.  Once your dog is ready to advance, you will change to the next level. You now pay by the month and have the ability to move at your own pace.


Have you ever heard of fun-gility? Did you ever want to try agility without all the pressure of competing? If so, this is the class for you! During this class dogs will be introduced to concepts frequently seen and taught in agility. This class will be conducted primarily on leash. Prerequisites: Dogs must be 12 months or older for this class and must have completed Puppy 2 or Basic Manners Level 1, or have instructor approval.

$180 for 6 weeks – 1 hour/1 day a week.  Check Schedule >
(Members receive a 10% discount) 

Foundation for the Future I

Prerequisites: Basic Manners or Puppy 2, or instructor approval. This class is available to dogs ages 5 months and up.

This class is the basis for many sport futures such as agility, obedience, and Rally. Anyone wanting to take our Agility classes at K9 Country Club with very little to no prior agility experience will start in this class. This class will focus on behaviors we would like our puppy/dogs to have in preparation for agility or other dogs sport competitions. (Targeting, shaping, body awareness, directionals, building drive and core strength, handler/obstacle focus cues, building value for training, and more.)

$180 for 6 weeks – 1 hour/1 day a week.  Check Schedule >
(Members receive a 10% discount) 

Foundation for the Future II

This is a 6 week class, and is designed with an agility future in mind but any dog and handler team can participate. Learn the foundations to build drive, focus, flat work, cones, grids, matts & hoops, full box work and low equipment. Must have taken Foundation for the Future I or received special permission from the instructor.

$180 – 6 Weeks – 1 hour/1 day a week.  Check Schedule >
(Members receive a 10% discount)

Foundation for the Future II — Verbal Proofing

Prerequisites: FF1, or instructor approval. Jumping agility jumps will be part of this class.  Dogs who are under jumping age may still join but exercises will be modified at instructors discretion.

If you plan to use Verbals this class will help guide you in which ones to choose, what are their meanings, and how to train and proof them.  If you are already running agility and would like a class to specifically help you solidify the verbal ques you are currently using, this is also the class for you.  There will be very little course work in this class.  Each session will consist of minimal obstacles and be designed to allow you to practice at home without much equipment.  This class is month to month so you can use it throughout your entire agility career.

$180 per month ($35 if paid class by class) – 1 hour / 1 day a week. Check Schedule >
(Members receive a 10% discount)

Obstacles/Short Sequencing

This is a month to month class with the prerequisite of Foundation for the Future 2, or with instructor approval as long as the dog can perform contact obstacles and weave poles. You will practice short sequences of 2 to 6 obstacles excluding weave poles. Dogs should be under control on leash, have no aggression issues and have some understanding of basic obedience cues (sit, stay, down and come).

$100 – 4 Weeks – 1 hour/1 day a week.  Check Schedule >
(Members receive a 10% discount)

Obstacle Sequencing/Beginning Coursework with Catherine Laria

This specialty course is built for handlers already familiar with agility who are training their dogs to compete. The focus of this class will be the skills and foundations on all agility equipment you need to build your next champion! Instructor approval is required to join this class.

$180 for 6 Weeks – 1 hour/1 day a week. Check Schedule >
(Members receive a 10% discount)

Novice/Open Coursework with Debbie Moore

The prerequisite for this class is Obstacles/Short Sequencing.  This is an ongoing monthly class. Dogs should be under control on leash, have no aggression issues and have some understanding of basic obedience cues  (sit, stay, down, come), as well as be able to perform the obstacles including the weave poles.  During the class the dogs will work on weaves, tire, and contacts in up to 14-20 obstacles courses.  This class should be able to transition into the Intermediate/Masters Coursework class.

$100 for 4 weeks per month 1 hour / 1 day a week. Check Schedule >
(Members receive a 10% discount) 

Obstacle Sequencing/Beginning Coursework with Catherine Laria

The prerequisite for this class is Obstacles/Short Sequencing or instructor approval.  This is an ongoing monthly class. Dogs should be under control on leash, have no aggression issues and have some understanding of basic obedience cues  (sit, stay, down, come), as well as be able to perform the obstacles excluding the weave poles.  The class will work more on handling skills, and will work in 6-8 obstacle sequences.  This class should be able to transition into the Novice/Open Coursework class.

$100 for 4 weeks per month 1 hour / 1 day a week. Check Schedule >
(Members receive a 10% discount) 

Novice/Starters Agility Coursework with Debbie Moore

The prerequisite is Obstacle sequencing or with instructor approval.  This is an ongoing, monthly class and during the class they will run 14-16 obstacles including weaves and contacts, but will be able to work them at your own pace. The class is designed for those who plan to enter agility competitions. This class covers the various types of courses which beginner competitors will be presented with in AKC, USDAA and UKI agility trials.

$100 per month ($35 if paid class by class) – 1 hour / 1 day a week. Check Schedule >
(Members receive a 10% discount) 

Intermediate Agility with Debbie Moore

This is an ongoing, monthly class, which focusing on working sequences within a full course, with reinforcement after each sequence. Two dogs run at a time on separate halves of the field.  It is a masters course but broken down.

$100 per month ($35 if paid class by class) – 1 hour / 1 day a week. Check Schedule >
(Members receive a 10% discount) 

Advanced & Masters Agility with Debbie Moore

This is an ongoing, monthly class. Handlers do not have to have earned a title yet but you must be able to perform longer, show quality, sequences and courses.  The dogs are competing at the highest level, and know all of the equipment. We will work on technique, handling styles, and game performance while building speed and endurance.

$100 per month ($35 if paid class by class) – 1 hour / 1 day a week. Check Schedule >
(Members receive a 10% discount) 

“Skills N Drills” (Agility) Levels 1 & 2 with Catherine Laria

This is an ongoing, monthly class. This class is designed to build the team’s confidence and skills. Obstacle performance will become more proficient while performing different skill sets on many different sequences, including international handling skills. You will also practice the different games of AKC, USDAA, and UKI.

  • Level 1 – Focuses on handling skills, lines, speed master, and intro to international skills.
  • Level 2 – Focuses on international flare lines, speed, pressure drills.

Your dog will need to be under control while you work off leash during this class. If you are coming from another training facility, signing up for this class would need to be approved by a K9CC instructor.

$100 per month ($35 if paid class by class) – 1 hour/1 day a week. Check Schedule >
(Members receive a 10% discount)

Sport Puppy

This class will cover basic skills to set your future sports star up for success! It will include crucial skill building at a young age such as impulse control, body awareness, stationing, the ability to shape, be lured, learn verbal cues, and reinforcement markers. Some agility equipment may be used such as tunnels, cone wrapping, a low teeter and more. Dogs should be 8 months or under to join.

Prerequisites: Class is open to those who have prior experience in dog sports or instructor approval.

$180 for 6 weeks per month 1 hour / 1 day a week. Check Schedule >
(Members receive a 10% discount) 

Private Lessons

Private Lessons are also available for those who are already competing.

Call 830-438-3666 to schedule a private lesson today.